Practiced Versus Lived Religion

Do you believe in God?

For me, I've experienced God through my Christan faith. I also believe that God has many names and can take any form based on how you want to experience her. I can also subscribe to the idea that God is just math, probabilities that happen to set and reset the path of one's life.

Whatever it is that you may subscribe to when it comes to God, there's a difference between practicing religion versus living it.

Practiced religion is all the rituals, rites, and ceremonies associated with a particular faith. This may include going to church, praying five times a day, reading scriptures, dietary restrictions, and so on. These are the things in which you participate to showcase to yourself, others, and your God that you are being faithful to the religion.

Lived religion is different. Lived religion is the knowing that lives inside of you that is expressed through your actions and mindset. It's how you show up in life. It's the energy others feel emanating from you when they are in your presence. It's the peace you have when thinking about life.

Too many people spend too much time practicing religion. The rituals, scriptures, and churchgoing are meaningless in your life if you aren't living your religion. They are empty words and acts, calories with no nutrients, if these don't show up in your daily living.

Live your religion, whatever it may be, to the fullest.

The world is better when everyone puts the best of their religions into practice.