Moving Slow

Does slow and steady really win the race?

We’ve heard the old adage born from the story of the tortoise and the hare.  I’m not convinced that we took the right lesson away from it.

Hear me out. If we use the race as a metaphor for life, I think the tortoise had it worse. He diligently worked the entire time singularly focused on the goal, which is commendable, but did he get to do anything else? No.

The hare got to enjoy the scenery and even took a nap. He lost not because of his physical abilities, strategy, or overconfidence, but because he overslept.

The lesson of the fable isn't to move slow and steady to me. It's about getting up on time.

Slow and steady wins the race only if everyone else oversleeps. Otherwise you just get dusted and left behind for moving slow.

Pick up the pace today and stop snoozing that alarm clock.

Ed. note: Yes, I had a good time ruining a classic fable lol.