Monday Motivation: May 9, 2022

My wife asked me yesterday why haven't I been writing as regularly as I was in the past.

The truth is:

  1. I've gotten kicked in the balls by life a couple of times
  2. I've been choosing to workout more in the morning to build a habit around my health
  3. I've made a goal to stay present with my partner during this pregnancy
  4. I've been getting my work day started earlier to stay up to speed there

These are all valid reasons as to why I haven't been writing is much, but what really matters is that I actually love writing, I love publishing, I love sharing my thoughts, and I love the community I've built around this little thing of mine.

It's a safe space for me to create and hone a craft. So when I think about the question from my wife, it was also an acknowledgement that I haven't been prioritizing doing something I love that also makes me better.

Everyone has gone through a phase like this from time to time for very valid reasons. You shouldn't feel bad for all of the time you've missed doing thing but rather, use this awareness to start again.

That is what I'm doing this morning. Starting again - getting back on the horse of trying to figure out how to present my stream of consciousness in ways that others might be able to take something from it.

There's no perfect way to stay in your cherished habits and life is too messy to stay rigid at all times. It ebbs and flows like water. Sometimes you go with the flow, other times you need to swim a bit to get where you want to go.

Today, I'm choosing to swim.