Monday Motivation: 6.5.23

And just like that, half of the year is behind us!

You're either excited about that fact or mortified. Now is probably an excellent time to revisit some of the goals you set at the top of the year.

Take a moment to answer the following questions:

  • How do you currently feel about the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Do you believe they are still worth pursuing?
  • Are you achieving the desired results you had hoped for?
  • To what extent are you sticking to the plans you created to achieve those goals?
  • What adjustments can you make to better align your current actions with your goals?

We have a lot more good to do this year. Let's get after it.

Progress update on my goals for 2023:

Goal #1: Publish a book

Progress: 50%

I'm still rounding out my thoughts on a few topics and that is a natural part of the writing process. My outline, structure, and vision for the book have finally come together in a way that feels cohesive, unique to me, and interesting to write about. Still need to push harder here, but progress has been made.

Goal #2: Lose 30 lbs

Progress: 37%

This one has been up and down. For the first few months, it was a disappointing journey as the workouts, food tracking, and portion control really didn't move the needle in the way I had hoped. I hit my workout/activity goals but the weight was being stubborn for a while.

The good news is that I've really seen significant progress over the last month and am down 11 lbs overall. The biggest shift has been due to intermittent fasting. Since I started that up again, I have seen more consistent progression toward my goal versus the stagnation I was experiencing prior.

19 lbs more to go!