Monday Motivation: 1.8.24

“So, instead of looking for hope, try this:
Don't hope.
Don't despair, either.
In fact, don't deign to believe you know anything. It's that assumption of knowing with such blind, fervent, emotional certainty that gets us into these kinds of pickles in the first place.
Don't hope for better. Just be better.
Be something better. Be more compassionate, more resilient, more humble, more disciplined. [...]
Be a better human.”
― Mark Manson, Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope


✌🏽. ❤️. 📈. 🤲🏾.

^^ You may have noticed my new emoji tagline. It's shorthand for my 2024 mantra:

"Go with peace. Love more. Improve every day. Give more."

It's way to remind myself, and you, of the steps to an earned life and true happiness.