LinkedIn Announcement of My New Journey

So I did a thing, but never made an announcement (here). I was spending time  trying to think of the perfect words, trying to figure out how to make it grand and profound.

I wanted the words to show gratitude for what lies ahead and an appreciation for what came before. They had to strike the right tone, the even-keeled-ness that has become somewhat of a signature from me.

Alas, those words never fully came to me but the moment has (there’s a life lesson in there somewhere).

I’ve joined a wonderful team at Capital One and cannot wait to lean into this new opportunity.

I’ll spend most of my days talking workflows, APIs, outcomes, and discovery but I won’t lose my roots in the startup world. Part of my role will be figuring out how we can better leverage Capital One’s human capital to support entrepreneurial communities. More to come on that soon.

To my SEED SPOT family, thanks for the amazing ride! I will continue to be a strong champion of the work and mission along with being a donor and mentor.

To my BEX and GVP family, we got some amazing things planned this year. Stay tuned!

I’ll also still be writing. You can follow the journey here:

The only place left to go is forward.

And march on I shall.