Life Lessons from Gucci Mane

Two passages from The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness to live by (which everyone should own a copy of):

You either practice quitting or you practice winning. Everyone’s going to fail at some point, so which one are you going to be? Are you going to be someone that is faking, not going hard, and making excuses? Or are you going to be the person who’s aware, who’s practicing and pushing yourself to do what’s right no matter what it is? I now know who I am and what I want to do. Stop underestimating yourself and just do it.

We are the authors of our lives. We are the writers of our own stories. We have the power to say who we are and want we want to be. The story you tell yourself sets the course of the life you live. It creates the road map for what is possible. If you don’t like the story you’re living, you have the power to change the narrative. That’s what authors do. They write stories. They create the plot. Create your own plot.

Be motivated today. Practice winning and create your own plot. **Burrr ❄️ 🍦 ❄️  !**