Friday's Too Good Not To Share: November 13, 2020

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend.

The World is Built on Sand… and We’re Running Out

Sand is the second most resource used behind water in our modern world. It shows up everywhere (the glitter of the natural world). But like every natural resource, we’re running out of it and fast.


Because it is in everything thing around you from your computers, windows, roads, and buildings. This video will give you a greater appreciation for the crisis and way more insights on the world sand in general.

Watch here. [12 mins]

Also check out this article I remember reading years back that detailed the problem 5 years ago The Deadly Global War for Sand (Wired).

Former President Obama Tells His Story His Way — And Makes His Case For History

Forever President Obama has a new book dropping about the rise to becoming the first Black president and the experience of governing over his first term. You’ll be seeing and hearing much more about this book in the coming weeks (an Oprah interview is dropping soon because, of course…).

Obama on his decision to run:

At one point, Obama retells how his innermost circle thrashed out the decision to run for president in 2008. Michelle makes no secret of her reluctance. She finally asks him why he has to run when Hillary Clinton and so many other Democrats are running who are better known and more experienced.

"I know," her husband replies, "that the day I raise my right hand and take the oath to be the president of the United States, the world will start looking at America differently. I know that kids all around this country — Black kids, Hispanic kids, kids who don't fit in — they'll see themselves differently too. ... And that alone ... that would be worth it."

Read the full article.

Also pick up a copy of A Promised Land here.

Kevin Rogers shares his 4x6 copywriting method

Kevin Rogers, dead-broke comedian turned copywriting genius shares one of his many copywriting tools. The 4x6 method gives you a structured template which helps you create consistent sales letters.

If you want to get better at persuasion and influence, watch this video to learn a better structure for selling. You need to present these 4 essential facts and give people 6 why to buy now. I have learned to appreciate good copywriting because it is like to good design to me, it adds value and provokes action.

Watch the video here. [29 mins]

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.