Friday's Too Good Not To Share: August 28, 2020

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend.

8 To Be Great: The 8 Traits Successful People Have In Common

Richard St. John interviewed over 500 of the most successful people and analyzed millions of words to find the commonalities between those people. From this work, he found eight common traits that all of them shared which he labels “8 To Be Great.” Those traits are:

  • Love what you do
  • Work really hard
  • Focus on one thing, not everything
  • Keep pushing yourself
  • Come up with good ideas
  • Keep improving yourself in what you do
  • Serve others of something of value because success isn’t just about me me me
  • Persist because there is no overnight success

Save yourself some time and skip straight to the 6:07 mark of the video. Watch here.

The ‘unnatural evolution’ of Trevor Noah and ‘The Daily Show’

I’m a huge Trevor Noah fan and he probably has the best autobiography of all time.

In this interview, you get to know more about the man today and how COVID-19 has shaped changes to the show.

“I think in many ways I’m meeting an appetite by satisfying my own,” Noah says. “I’m going to try to voice my opinion and step out a little more than usual. I owe some of that thinking to a friend and mentor by the name of Dave Chappelle. He said, ‘Anyone can be funny; not everyone is interesting. Don’t discount your point of view, the world you’ve lived in, the country that has shaped you, the journey that you’ve lived through in how you see the world.’ ”

Read more here.

Anthony Deden Interviewed by Grant Williams on Real Vision

In his first-ever interview, Tony Deden, chairman of Edelweiss Holdings talks with Grant Williams of Real Vision.

Anthony’s focus on scarcity and endurance in his investment portfolio and the stewardship of what he thinks of as irreplaceable capital has led him to reinvent the discipline of value investing. Tony’s thoughtful, patient approach to the allocation of his investors’ capital has yielded exceptional returns – and his disciplined investment philosophy offers an eye-opening insight into many of the problems inherent in the modern-day asset management business.

It’s a rare thing to hear Tony Deden talk. Lots of gems from the investor and cheese farmer.

Watch the full video here [2 hr 26 mins] or read this summary article.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.

What I’m listening to this weekend: