Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 9.16.22

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend. These could be articles, podcasts, videos, Twitter threads, or other great newsletters.

In short, these are the most interesting of the interesting stuff I've come across.

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Does My Son Know You?

This was an extremely moving piece from someone on the verge of death (F**k cancer) to the people around him.

Jonathan Tjarks died on September 10, 2022, after a battle with a rare, aggressive form of cancer. He had just found out about it last April.

When knowingly facing the end of his life, he wrote this piece to describe what he really wanted from everyone around him. He lost his dad in his youth to Parkinson’s and one thing that stood out most to him is how many of his "friends" stopped coming around as things got worse.

They said nice things at the funeral, but he never knew any of them. They were names from stories his dad shared but they were never really in his life.

His wish for his 2-year-old son is that his friends make it a point to be part of his life such that he actually knows them. And through that, he hopes his son comes to learn more about him since he couldn't be there.

(Yeah, I'm totally not crying...)

This hit harder as a new parent but also a friend to many with kids. I want to make a better effort to be part of their lives.

Read more here.

TRY IT FOR 7 DAYS - The 1% Are Doing This EVERYDAY! | Eric Thomas on Impact Theory

Greatness isn’t reserved for the lucky or privileged few. Success and wealth isn’t a right that anyone has been denied by bad luck of the draw either. Possibility is within your control when you learn to use the pain and live the life you’ve been given better than anyone else and you learn to see opportunities. But you have to execute to make sh*t happen!

Eric Thomas has been motivating people for years and is bringing his energy and passion to Impact Theory to share the keys to success. Eric, also known as the hip-hop preacher, is a speaker, an entrepreneur, educator, and author. He’s taken the hard path in life, not by choice, and learned how to achieve greatness by relentlessly executing.

You'll leave inspired after watching this. Also, read his book You Owe You.

Watch in full here.

Fast-Moving Water

Technology and markets are like a river. Some parts are running faster, some slower, and some are eddies sending you backward. Currents are created by the technology, market segment, language, distribution channels, teammates and beliefs in your part of the world.

You need to cultivate the rare skill of assessing the speed and direction of the water surrounding you at all times.

“Find the fast moving water” is a concept that we communicate to our NFX Guild Founders from day 1. This way of thinking has been so adopted within our network that we hear them teaching it to their teams and other founders on a daily basis. So we wanted to write down what it is.

Founders: It’s your job to learn how to read the river, and then have the courage to steer your company into the fast moving water.

Because when great ideas and teams find the fast moving water, watch out. Little can stand in your way.

If you're thinking about starting something new, read about this principle here.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.