Friday's Too Good Not to Share: 4.8.22

Two quick morning thoughts:

  1. My writing has slowed down a bit. I have a lot to say about a lot but right now, I'm easing back into the habit. I got out of my routine and that is why it's so important to have one that forces you to do the things that are best for you.
  2. I clearly have a favorite burner on my stove (top left). I always wonder if the other ones get jealous. There's a real fear that they will revolt against me one day by refusing to work when I need them most.

Those thoughts may seem divided, but they're two sides of the same coin and are equally important to me.

On to the content...

Every Friday, I share other great content (with some added context) to dive into over the weekend. These could be articles, podcasts, videos, Twitter threads, or other great newsletters.

In short, these are the most interesting of the interesting stuff I've come across.

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Donald Glover Interviews Donald Glover

Donald Glover is hyper aware of his own genius. That may sound like a bad thing to some, but I love it. Donald's awareness of this allows him to take risks where others wouldn't dare. I shouldn't even use the words risks, it allows him to explore his curiosities when others would be conventional.

What he has done in this recent profile by literally interviewing himself is letting you in on a few of his thoughts:

  1. He's asking himself the questions he wished he got asked.
  2. He's answering the questions in a way he really would answer them.
  3. He's letting you in on how he feels most interviews are just derivative.

In the paraphrased words of Donald Glover, "Even if you don’t like it, you can’t say it’s not high quality. The quality is undeniable."

Read more here.

Absolute Power

Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, is 36 years old and has led his country for almost five years. His father, the 86-year-old King Salman, has rarely been seen in public since 2019, and even MBS—as he is universally known—has faced the world only a few times since the pandemic began. Once, he was ubiquitous, on a never-ending publicity tour to promote his plan to modernize his father’s kingdom. But soon after the murder of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, MBS curtailed his travel. His last interview with non-Saudi press was more than two years ago. The CIA concluded that he had ordered Khashoggi’s murder, and Saudi Arabia’s own prosecutors found that it had been conducted by some of the crown prince’s closest aides. They are thought to have dismembered Khashoggi and disintegrated his corpse.

Long read, but good (and important) read. Continue here.

The map of our DNA is finally complete. Here's what that means for humanity.

About 20+ years ago, we started mapping the human genome. In 2022, we've completed that journey.

So what does that mean for us?

It will be years before there's a concrete payoff to that additional information, researchers said, but those previously missing bits could offer insights into human development, aging and diseases such as cancer, as well as human diversity, evolution and migration patterns across prehistory.

In short, this will do amazing things for us and also open the door from some unintended consequences. This combined with all of the advances we've made with computers will rapidly reshape our world. Keep an eye out on this industry over the next decade.

More details here.

Leave today better than yesterday ✌️.