Don't take yourself too seriously but...

I’ve developed a new mantra that I’m taking with me into 2021.

Don’t take yourself too seriously, but take yourself seriously enough to invest in all of your ideas.

Believing in yourself is one thing. Investing in yourself is totally different. This mantra is similar to, “Put your money where your mouth is.”

Don’t just think of cool things. Do them. Put some of your budget into it. Your ideas are valuable and you should make it a point to be the first person to invest in them.

Note: I’m not suggesting you max out credit cards. I’m suggesting you max out each of your ideas.

And don’t try to invest in the just the good ideas only. Invest in any of your ideas that makes you curious.

Invest an amount that you can stomach. Budget for this. Show yourself that you are willing to spend on yourself.

To me, this mantra is about moving beyond self-belief and into self-actualization. It’s removing pride and ego and replacing it with experimentation and curiosity. It’s moving from, “Is this a good idea?” to “Let’s see what happens.”

Let’s see what happens when you take all of your ideas seriously and try to bring them to life. Let’s see what happens when you really try to manifest something new in the world just because you think it should exist. Let’s see what happens when you back yourself.

You can’t reach your full potential if you don’t invest in it.

Challenge: In 2021, put some capital into at least one idea you’ve been sitting on for a while to see what will happen.