Creating New Christmas Traditions

Christmas is my favorite holiday. It's a time for gratitude, fellowship, love, gifts, and of course, traditions.

Creating new traditions and upholding the ones I like around the holiday are becoming increasingly important.

Right now, me and wifey have decided on a few new traditions:

  1. I cook Christmas breakfast; she cooks Christmas dinner. I have a feeling that Christmas dinners will be much more elaborate than the breakfasts will be lol. The caveat is that we'll do this as long as we're celebrating Christmas at home. When we're away with family, we'll do breakfast and dinner with them together.
  2. Cake and ice cream. We have yet decide on which cake to have every year but we are sure that a cake will be involved each Dec. 25th. Ice cream is also a staple in our home so it's only right that it's part of the day. The years when we get homemade ice cream will be best but this year we'll settle for some Wegman's speciality flavors.
  3. Morning music via our record player. This year it'll be a mix of Rihanna and Marvin Gaye because that's how we roll.
  4. Writing. Writing is part how I see myself now and something I want to continue to share with the world. A quick morning blurb is one more way of showing gratitude on Christmas.
  5. Working out. Health is wealth and wealth compounds with each new deposit you make. A workout will be part of our Christmas tradition moving forward, even if it's just a 10 minute walk.

What are some of the traditions you have created?

P.S. Let's agree to not allow COVID to be part of our Christmas traditions ever again. Nobody likes you COVID. You're not welcome here.