Can You Detect Weak Arguments?

Have you ever wondered if you have good judgment? Can you recognize strong arguments from the weak ones?

Here’s a way to “test” yourself in this area. Also, I shouldn’t use the word “test,” but instead use the framing of getting some insight into your judgment.

From Clear Thinking:

What is a "strong" argument?

A strong argument should either provide strong evidence for the conclusion - specific, observable information that has been verified by multiple sources - or a strong logical justification that the conclusion follows from the premises.

Strong logical justification means the truth of the argument's premises logically imply the truth of the conclusion. For example, if you know that there are only two paths - a left and a right path - and you learn that someone didn't go down the left path, then you know that they must have gone down the right path.

I found this test to be both informative and fun. Check it out here: