Book Review: Superhuman By Design

Creativity is not just for designers.

You, yes even you who does not consider yourself a creative, can access it and use it to make every facet of your life better. It is a superpower and the key to living a superhuman life.

Just imagine what you could achieve by unlocking this superpower.

Donald Burlock, Jr. in his book Superhuman By Design teaches us how to unshackle the the superpowers of creativity to live a better life – by design. The book reveals his framework and approach to creativity, one that he has honed while working at world-class design firms, tech startups, and Fortune 100 companies over the last decade.

This books works.

How do I know? Because I’ve seen Donald live the superhuman life since we were together in graduate school at Georgia Tech. He’s “donned the cape” time and time again to use his powers for the good of community while sticking to his values. He’s driven to create a better world through creativity and wants to share his hard won lessons learned from his personal experience with others. There is much to learn from his journey.

Creativity can unlock so much in our lives. It certainly has changed the way I approach every situation and by mastering creativity through living the superhuman life, we all can be more. More than what we were before and more than what we ever dreamed we could be. We can be truly be icons when we apply the Superhuman by Design framework to all facets of our lives.

Superhumans start off doing what is necessary in order to eventually do what might have once seemed impossible.

Our job everyday as superhumans is to get better. Not for us, but for the communities we serve. To do this, it is imperative that we live our lives with intention. Before reading the book, I had not really considered how I could also leverage creativity and the creative process to better manage my finances, relationships, and spirituality. I learned a lot from this book even with a deep background in design and the creative process.

To sum this up, the world needs us to to be superhuman and you can learn how to do that by reading this book. Get a copy for yourself and for your friends also while you are at it!

Release date: Friday, Dec. 11th

Buy today: Amazon

Favorite quote: Sometimes, integrity is your only credential.