Don't Be a Slave to Ideas

Ideas are good, but they are not enough.

You don't want to be an ideas person (also, no one really likes that person). These are people that for every question, there's an idea. For every answer, there's an idea. For every conflict... idea.

Be an idea+ person.

An idea + a question. An idea + a solution. An idea + a process. An idea + a recommendation.

An idea + anything else is worth so much more than just an idea.

An idea+ person is actually a multiplier. They get so much more done, create more impact, and get to outcomes quicker.

Why? Because ideas alone are cheap.

You can come up with a ton of ideas quickly and anyone can do it. Don't get me wrong, ideas are useful since they help the group see broader opportunities.

They are just not the end all be all that they are made out to be since ideas aren't real (yet), don't solve a problem (yet), nor provide a strategy (yet).

Ideas are kind of like writing down a math problem but not solving it.

5x + 8 could = y

This is what an idea feels like in practice.

You did the first part of setting up the equation, but not the real work. Others may be lost as to what to do with it.

Being a slave to ideas means you get caught up in feeling that your value is simply writing down these problems for others to solve.

That's never enough and gets tiring over time.

Going beyond and be an idea+ person.