Americans aren't bad at math and science, they're bad at logic, a Twitter story.

First, Breonna Taylor’s killers still haven’t been arrested.

Mark Cuban had time last night. He posted this to help others understand why wearing a mask in the middle of the pandemic is important.

The mask debate in America is illogical and frustrating. Here’s a sample of some of the responses he got to this tweet (note, these are probably bots, but we’ve seen the same sentiment in townhall debates).

Like, come on people. Really?

Most of their arguments say they want the freedom to pee on others, given the analogy.

Masks aren’t about freedom nor is it an IQ or bravery test. It’s about responsibility and trying to move past a once-in-a-100-year pandemic rapidly.

Where did we go so wrong in our education and shared values?

P.S. I’ll let you imagine what type of replies he got to this tweet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯