A Lesson From James Clear

My favorite newsletter at this stage of my life is the Thursday 3-2-1 Newsletter by James Clear.

Billed as the most "wisdom per word of any newsletter on the web," I can attest to this statement as accurate.

A great blurb from his latest one:

Writer and programmer Simon Sarris on the value of effort:

"If you make lists of lofty goals, it can be easy to leave them to accumulate, as happens sometimes, into a mountain of to-do's and notes and half-forgotten plans. Dreaming alone is seductive, even a little sweet, since it lacks the pain of trying. So it feels proper to prize attempts more than dreams. You should have ideals, but you cannot only love an idealized future, you must cultivate a love of effort, too. If you really want something, then the soul must make demands of the body."

Source: Efforts and Goals and Joy 

How many goals, dreams, and plans have you let accumulate in a pile? What if just one of them didn’t remain a thought exercise but was brought to life?

How would your life change?

How would the world around you change?

Today, take a look at that pile. Pick one—and make it real this weekend.


✌🏽. ❤️. 📈 . 🤲🏾